söndag 14 december 2014

fredag 12 december 2014

lördag 6 december 2014

World premier of "WAKE UP"

Tune in on STENCHRADIO on monday  December 8th at 7 p.m CST. World premier of "WAKE UP" (All four songs) and an interview hith Johan and Björn.

lördag 22 november 2014

T-shirts at Bandworm Rec

You can now buy our logo t-shirt from Bandworm Rec. Just Click at the link to visit the website Prins Carl merch at Bandworm

lördag 8 november 2014

torsdag 14 augusti 2014

Nya arbetarpartiet

Moderaterna släppte nyligen sin nya vallåt "Vi och framtiden". Detta är Prins Carls respons på deras så kallade "Arbetarpartipolitik"

The ruling blue rightwing politicians in Sweden recently released their new  campaign song "we and the future". This is Prins Carls respond to the so called "New worker party"

måndag 21 juli 2014


The artwork of our upcoming 7" "WAKE UP". It will be released on the labels: NOISE OF SWEDEN (swe) BANDWORM REC (ger) REBEL SOUND REC (usa

tisdag 8 juli 2014


                          A live clip from the Pretty shitty kjell festival 2013


onsdag 21 maj 2014

fredag 18 april 2014

"No mercy" on spotify

Now you can listen to our secound album "No mercy" on spotify!! Enjoy!!!!!

fredag 4 april 2014

fredag 28 mars 2014

World premiere!

Tune into Starsky on stenchradio.com this Saturday night from 4-11 pm US Central time.World premiere of the debut song " POWER IN THE UNION" of our upcoming 7"!

fredag 28 februari 2014

onsdag 1 januari 2014

Booking 2014

We are now starting to book gigs for 2014. If you would like to book us you can contact us at prinscarl@gmail.com